Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Nephrologist / Kidney Specialist?

A nephrologist is a medical doctor managing problems related to the kidney, as well as high blood pressure. We are also known as renal physicians.

What Do Kidneys Do?

Kidneys have many roles in the body. They are filters for the blood, helping to clear out excess water, salt, and wastes. They help to control the blood pressure, and to keep the salts in the body (electrolytes) in balance.

There are lots of different types of problems that kidney specialists can help with. This includes:

  • Reduced kidney function (also called chronic kidney disease or CKD)

  • Blood or protein leaking from the kidneys into the urine, found on urine testing

  • Kidney failure, which may be managed with symptom support, dialysis (technology used to help clean the blood) or kidney transplantation when appropriate

  • Raised blood pressure

  • Raised blood pressure in pregnancy, including strategies to reduce the risk of a blood-pressure related problem called pre-eclampsia

  • Unbalanced salts (electrolytes) in the body

  • Helping to prevent future kidney stones through diet and medication changes

  • Assessment for suitability to donate a kidney

Kidney specialists can also help provide advice and support for overall health improvement such as managing body weight, cholesterol, and blood sugars, as these health conditions can impact long-term kidney function.

What Problems Do Kidney Specialists Manage?

What Problems Don’t Kidney Specialists Manage?

Kidney specialists are not surgeons - we don’t do operations on the kidneys. Surgery for kidney problems is managed by urologists, who are a different kind of medical specialist. If you need review for a kidney cyst (a pocket of fluid in the kidney) that might need surgical removal, or stones causing blockage, this would be managed by a urologist. Kidney specialists may still see people with these problems to help with related issues, such as helping to prevent future kidney stones from developing.

How Do I Find the Northern Specialist Centre?

For directions to find the Northern Specialist Centre, please see the following external link here.

Are There Options for Language Translation?

While I only speak English, a telephone interpreter for other languages can be arranged for the appointment, and for certain languages a face-to-face interpreter may be available. Please let the clinic staff know of this requirement by calling the Northern Specialist Centre (see ‘Location & Contact Us’ page for contact details).

Are There Options for Telehealth?

Face-to-face reviews are preferable in order to check blood pressure and to review other physical signs, but Telehealth can be arranged on request (see ‘Location & Contact Us’ page for contact details).

What Should I Bring to My Appointment?

Please bring:

  • Your Medicare card

  • A list of the medications you’re currently taking, or the medication boxes or Webster Pack.

  • Any recent blood test results, or scan reports

  • Any recent hospital discharge summaries